What To Do If You Failed With Surgent CPA Review: A Step-by-Step Guide

Surgent CPA Review

Failing a section of the CPA exam can be a disheartening experience, especially when you've invested time and money in a program like Surgent CPA Review. If you find yourself in this situation, take a deep breath. You're not alone, and this setback doesn't define your journey. Many successful CPAs have faced similar challenges on their path to certification.

In this guide, we'll walk through a step-by-step process to help you regroup, refocus, and strategize for success on your next attempt. Let's turn this stumbling block into a stepping stone.

Assess Your Study Approach with Surgent CPA Review

The first step in bouncing back is to take an honest look at your study habits with Surgent:

  1. How effectively did you use Surgent's adaptive learning technology?
  2. How did you perform on practice questions and mock exams?
  3. Were there specific topics or question types that consistently tripped you up?

This self-assessment isn't about beating yourself up. It's about identifying areas for improvement. Maybe you need to dedicate more time to studying, or perhaps your time management during the exam needs work. Whatever the case, recognizing these issues is the first step toward addressing them.

Maximize Surgent's Resources

Surgent CPA Review offers a range of tools designed to help you succeed. Before looking elsewhere, make sure you're fully utilizing what's already at your fingertips:

  1. Revisit Surgent's ReadySCORE feature. This predictive tool can help you gauge your exam readiness more accurately.
  2. Take advantage of Surgent's video lectures and textbook. These can reinforce your understanding of key concepts.
  3. Don't hesitate to use Surgent's customer support and forums. Sometimes, a different explanation or perspective can make all the difference.

The Limitations of Surgent CPA Review

While Surgent offers powerful tools, it's important to recognize potential limitations:

  1. Over-reliance on adaptive learning technology: While innovative, this approach may not suit all learning styles or accurately assess your true understanding of complex topics.
  2. Textbook limitations: Surgent's textbook does cover the entire AICPA blueprint but tends to read like a dictionary. If you're a learner who benefits from detailed explanations and numerous examples, you might find it lacking.
  3. Lack of personalized guidance: Self-study programs, while flexible, don't typically provide pro-active mentorship. Meaning you can ask questions of a coach but they won't proactively give you a step-by-step plan of attack, other than set your exam date and follow the software. A lot of soft-skills are skipped over or you are just assumed to know!

The Missing Piece: Mentorship and Guidance

Think about any challenging endeavor in life, whether it's training for a marathon or learning a new skill. Having a coach or mentor can make a world of difference. The same principle applies to the CPA exam.

Self-study, while admirable, can sometimes lead to inefficient or misguided efforts. Without proper guidance, it's easy to fall into unproductive study habits or overlook critical areas of focus. This is where having a mentor in your CPA journey can be invaluable.

Supplementing Surgent with Additional Support

Consider supplementing your Surgent materials with a CPA exam mentorship program. These programs can provide:

  1. Structured study plans tailored to your specific needs and learning style
  2. Accountability to keep you on track
  3. Expert insights into exam strategy and time management
  4. Personalized feedback on your progress and areas for improvement

A good mentorship program doesn't replace your primary study materials but enhances them, helping you use them more effectively.

Kesler CPA Review: Bridging the Gap

One option worth considering is Kesler CPA Review. This program is designed to complement comprehensive review courses like Surgent, bridging the gap between self-study and personalized guidance.

Kesler CPA Review offers:

  1. A step-by-step plan that proactively teaches you how to pass the exam
  2. Study supplements that pair well with your existing Surgent materials
  3. Mentorship from experienced CPAs who understand the challenges you're facing

The goal isn't to replace Surgent, but to provide the structure, accountability, and personalized strategies that can help you make the most of Surgent's adaptive learning technology and other resources.

Creating a New Study Plan

Armed with your Surgent materials and additional support, it's time to create a new study plan:

  1. Set realistic goals and timelines based on your work and personal commitments
  2. Implement a balanced approach that combines Surgent's adaptive learning with your mentor's guidance
  3. Regular check-ins with your mentor to assess progress and adjust your strategy as needed

Remember, this new approach isn't about studying harder, but studying smarter.


Failing a section of the CPA exam with Surgent doesn't mean you can't succeed. It simply means you need to reassess your approach and perhaps seek additional support. By maximizing Surgent's resources and supplementing them with personalized mentorship, you can create a powerful combination that sets you up for success.

Consider exploring mentorship options like Kesler CPA Review to complement your Surgent materials. With the right resources and guidance, you can overcome this setback and achieve your goal of becoming a CPA. Remember, many before you have been in this exact position and gone on to pass all four sections. You can do this!

For more information on CPA review courses and to compare all Surgent alternatives, check out our comprehensive guide to the best CPA review courses. And don't forget to look at our list of the best CPA review discounts to save on your study materials.

Step-by-Step Guide: What to Do If You Failed With Surgent CPA Review

Step Action Details
1 Assess Your Study Approach Review your study habits, performance on practice questions, and identify weak areas.
2 Maximize Surgent's Resources Utilize ReadySCORE technology, supplemental materials, and customer support. Learn more about Surgent CPA Review.
3 Consider Mentorship Explore personalized mentorship options to guide your study process.
4 Supplement with Additional Support Add CPA exam mentorship programs like Kesler CPA Review for structured plans and accountability.
5 Create a New Study Plan Develop a balanced approach combining Surgent materials with mentorship guidance.
6 Implement and Monitor Progress Follow your new plan, regularly assess your progress, and adjust as needed.

By following these steps, you can significantly improve your chances of passing the CPA exam on your next attempt. Remember, failing once doesn't define your journey – it's how you respond and adapt that matters.