It All About Teaching You HOW To Study First.
Passing the CPA exam will be one of your most difficult professional goals you ever accomplish.
It didn't come easy for me, in fact it nearly broke me after I failed the CPA exam 5 times in a row... before I FINALLY cracked the code to passing.
But it gave me the greatest lesson in life that still affects me to this day.
It taught me to NEVER give up.
It taught me to use EVERY resource at my disposal
It also taught me the importantance of sharing what I learned on my journey to passing with others...
This is why I took the exact method I followed to passing the CPA exam and created a resource for CPA candidates to inspire them when the going gets tough.
The fastest way to pass the CPA exam is create a personalized study system to follow based on your current situation.
This study system process can be implemented by any CPA candidate regardless of the CPA review course used.
Fun fact, I've taught this method to over 50,000 CPA candidates across the world with amazing success.
To make this as easy as possible for you to implement, I'd love for you to take my free CPA exam study personality quiz to get started!
Click the orange button below to learn the fastest way to pass the CPA exam.
The Steps I Took To Pass The CPA Exam
Step #1: Learn About The CPA Exam
The CPA exam is the MOST powerful license you can obtain in accounting. Discover what is covered on this exam, how it is graded, and all the ins and outs of what to expect if you were to take this exam.
Step #2: Sign Up For The CPA Exam
When you're ready to sign up for the CPA exam, the first thing you need to do is to verify that you have completed all of the requirements to sit for the CPA exam in your state. Each state has different requirements for education, residency, age and citizenship! Be sure to check your state here:
Step #3a: Find A CPA Review Course
Now that you have determined you are eligible to sit for the CPA exam, have sent in your CPA exam application and received your Notice To Schedule (NTS) from Prometric, it's time to find a CPA review course!
Wiley CPAexcel
Wiley CPAexcel is one of the best names in the CPA review course industry. It offers the MOST CPA exam questions in the industry and has one of the best mobile apps currently available. If you are a tech-savvy accountant then Wiley CPAexcel is a great option for you.
UWorld Roger CPA Review
UWorld Roger CPA Review offers one of the best CPA review courses currently on the market. Thanks to Roger Phillipp's engaging lectures and comprehensive textbooks and CPA exam questions it make's it our #1 recommended review course for CPA candidates.
Review Of UWorld Roger
CPA Review
Yaeger CPA Review
Yaeger CPA Review excels at teaching you the AICPA Blueprint Content Groups with their integrated textbook, lectures and Adaptapass quiz engine.
Gleim CPA Review
Gleim CPA Review is the reason I am a CPA today. Their test bank and analytics are perfect for anyone who wants to know exactly what their strengths and weaknesses are while studying for the CPA exam.
Other CPA Review Courses
| Surgent CPA Review | Becker CPA Review | Fast Forward Academy | Top 12 Overall CPA Review Courses |
Head To Head Comparisons Of CPA Review Courses
| Wiley CPAexcel vs Becker CPA Review |
| UWorld Roger CPA Review vs Becker CPA Review |
| UWorld Roger CPA Review vs Wiley CPAexcel |
| Gleim CPA Review vs Becker CPA Review |
How To Pass The CPA Exam Tutorials
| Wiley CPAexcel Guide To Passing The CPA Exam |
Step #3b: Find The Largest Discount On Your Course
Once you have identified the best CPA review course for you based on your CPA study personality, there is no reason to pay full price. We have compiled a list of the most current discounts available for you to use. Save up to $1,000 off top CPA review courses like UWorld Roger CPA Review, Wiley CPAExcel or Becker CPA Review here.
Step #4: Learn How To Study And Pass
The CPA exam is not your "average" exam. You need a step by step blueprint to help you learn HOW to study the right way so that you don't become one of the 80% of CPA candidates who fail a section of the CPA exam. If you would like the blueprint that I used to pass (and have taught to thousands of CPA candidates) you learn from these 21 proven study tips and tactics that I personally used to pass the CPA exam and have taught to thousands of CPA Candidates around the world.
Frequently Asked CPA Exam Questions
Is passing the CPA Exam worth it?
While passing the CPA exam is not required to become an accountant, there are countless benefits to becoming a CPA. These benefits include making $1 million+ compared to a non-CPA over their career (according to Becker CPA Review). I personally added $25K/yr to my annual salary in just two years of passing. You are also much more likely to be promoted to senior positions whether you are in public accounting or working for a private company. Passing the CPA exam is all about your career goals. If you want to some day become partner or CFO at your company it will be an uphill battle without your CPA license. If you determine the CPA is not for you there are other accounting certifications you should consider.
What are the CPA exam requirements to sit for the CPA exam?
Signing up for the CPA exam can be incredibly frustrating because each state has different requirements you need to meet in order to qualify to sit for the CPA exam. You need to understand your states specific CPA exam requirements before you apply in order to ensure it is a smooth process and can be completed in a timely manner. At a high level, you need to have at least 150 credit hours with a healthy dose of accounting credits whether its from obaining your masters or through a double major. Check with your state's board of accountancy to ensure you understand what you need to do before signing up to sit for the CPA exam.
What do I do if I failed a section of the CPA Exam?
Failing the CPA exam is practically a "rite of passage." According to GoingConcern.com, approximately 80% of CPA candidates will failed at least ONE section of the CPA exam. The key to recovering from failing a section of the CPA exam is to have a retake strategy. You need to identify what went wrong and then improve.
How do I study for the CPA Exam?
If you think studying for the CPA exam is going to be like a college exam, I have some bad news for you. The CPA Exam will be the most difficult test (heck probably task) you ever take. It will require 100% mental focus and preparation and will require 400-800+ hours of your time. With that being said, there are steps you can take now to reduce the amount of time and money required to pass the CPA exam. You need to find a CPA exam coach who has been there and done that. I put together 21 of my best CPA exam study tips and tactics you can steal to get a HUGE head start on prepping for the CPA exam. Check them out here.
Which section of the CPA exam should I take first?
This is one of the most common questions CPA candidates ask when signing up for the CPA exam. The simple answer is that there is only a WRONG choice. That choice is to procrastinate on signing up for the CPA exam. If you want a more scientific way to pick the best section to take based on your situation I did put together a detailed guide on the best way to pick the order you should take the CPA exam. Read the full guide here.
What is tested on the CPA exam?
As you know there are four sections of the CPA exam that cover a WIDE range of topics and concepts that you will need to understand and be able to apply.
Here are some quick links to the breakdown of each section of the CPA exam and what you need to know:
FAR: Financial Accounting & Reporting
REG: Regualtion
BEC: Business Environment Concepts
Full breakdown of the CPA exam structure and content
How do I study for the CPA exam during busy season?
With the 30 month requirement to pass the CPA exam once you have passed your first section, studying during busy season may become necessary. I discovered 17 ways to effectively study during busy season. Utilize these methods here.
What are the pass rates of the CPA Exam sections?
The average pass rate of a section of the CPA exam is only 49%. The chances of passing the CPA exam without failing a single section are even lower coming in at around 20%. No doubt the CPA exam is incredibly difficult. I breakdown the CPA Exam pass rates of each individual section here.
Should I use a CPA exam final review or Cram Course?
Your standard CPA Review Course should be enough for any CPA candidate to pass the CPA exam. As long as you stay focused and motivated and understand how to study the right way. If you are struggling with the CPA exam, then a final review or cram course will absolutely help and might give you the organization you need to bump your score above a 75. Compare all your options here!
Do I need CPA exam flashcards?
I can personally attest to the fact that I would NOT be a CPA today if it wasn't for the flashcards I used to study. The real question is do you MAKE your own or PURCHASE flashcards. My take is that making your own is busy work that isn't efficient. Buying pre-made flashcards and then creating your own on topics that really trip you up is the best way to go in my opinion. Here are my most recommended flashcard options
When Are CPA Exam Scores Released?
Every quarter there are typically two major score release dates you need to know. The hardest part of taking the CPA exam is waiting for your scores, but it's crucial to stay focused during these wait times and continue studying for your next section, regardless of whether you think you passed or failed. Check your upcoming score release dates here.
How Do I Study For The CPA Exam While Working Full Time?
If you are later in your career and considering taking the CPA exam or maybe you have procrastinated starting the process after graduating, it will be a challenge to study for the CPA exam. In fact juggling family + work + studying for the CPA exam is one of the biggest reasons that CPA candidates burn out. I've put together 17 study strategies for CPA candidates working full time. These were 17 tactics I used to pass the CPA exam while working full time.
Join Thousands of Amazing CPA Candidates And Start Your Journey To Passing The CPA Exam By Discovering Your CPA Exam Study Personality!
Bryan Kesler, CPA is the founder of Kesler CPA Review & Ultimate CPA Exam Guide which earned him a spot on CPA Practice Advisor's Top 20 Under 40.
He has helped thousands of CPA candidates pass the CPA exam since 2013. You can contact him via email bryan@cpaexamguide.com